
CyberLinkPowerDirector14UltraisafullversiongameonlyavailableforWindows,beingpartofthecategoryPCgames.MoreaboutCyberLink ...,登入您的Steam帳戶以獲取有關您Steam遊戲的幫助、聯絡Steam客服、申請退款和更多。若您無法登入而需要重設密碼或恢復被盜取的帳戶,也同樣可用使用客服網頁。,跟去年一樣Cyberlink再次選擇了與SharewareonSale合作發佈免費版的威力導演,雖然目前威力導演已經推出第15版了,不過第14版對大多數...

CyberLink PowerDirector 14 Ultra

CyberLink PowerDirector 14 Ultra is a full version game only available for Windows, being part of the category PC games. More about CyberLink ...

Steam 客服

登入您的Steam 帳戶以獲取有關您Steam 遊戲的幫助、聯絡Steam 客服、申請退款和更多。若您無法登入而需要重設密碼或恢復被盜取的帳戶,也同樣可用使用客服網頁。

【限免】Cyberlink PowerDirector 威力導演14 LE 限時免費下載與 ...

跟去年一樣Cyberlink 再次選擇了與SharewareonSale 合作發佈免費版的威力導演,雖然目前威力導演已經推出第15 版了,不過第14 版對大多數人來說應該也還算 ...


那次沒有下載到沒關係,最近CyberLink又與SharewareOnSale 共同合作推出更新版剪輯軟體威力導演(CyberLink PowerDirector 14 LE)免費活動,雖然該版本雖然並非是最新15版本, ...

Steam 社群:

Start: This guide is meant to show how to begin use the programs in this suite from scratch without any prior knowledge of the CLPD14US.


全新運動攝影工房包含了強大的畫面修補與特效編輯。畫面修補舉凡魚眼校正、視訊穩定、白平衡或是色彩風格調整。特效編輯則提供重播倒播、快慢動作、畫面靜止等運動特效功能 ...

PowerDirector 14 Deluxe [Download]

評分 3.9 (5) Over 500 elegant and engaging effects will bring a professional sheen to your video projects, with many more free effects available for download on CyberLink's ...

Introduction to new PowerDirector 14

In this tutorial, we will give you a quick walkthrough of PowerDirector 14's new features, including Action Camera Center, Motion Tracking, Express Projects, ...

CyberLink PowerDirector 14 LE | PC Software

CyberLink PowerDirector 14 LE Deluxe offers a unique combination of high-end performance and advanced editing features - perfect for ...

PowerDirector 14 - video editor review CyberLink PowerDirector 14 is a video editing program which provides a lot of power at a relatively modest ...

MSNLite - 精簡版的MSN(繁體中文)

MSNLite - 精簡版的MSN(繁體中文)
